Welcome to MatriX A2Z

Congratulations, you’re already a winner. You’ve taken the time to visit this website, because you’re curious to find out what’s out there to help you to be a better student and maybe a better YOU as well.

Your curiosity will always reward you with a greater understanding of things. When you demonstrate that understanding in tests and exams, your teachers will love you for it. So, a serious ‘well done’!

MATRIX was started by Malcolm Rowe in 2003 as a Self-empowerment and Mindfulness initiative for teenagers. Over 25,000 teenagers have enjoyed and contributed to the MatriX learning curve and we constantly analyse this feedback and re-configure the website (and the workshops) accordingly.

This website is an evolving ‘work-in-progress’ of student and teacher feedback to reflect the needs of students exactly like you, as you progress toward Third Level an beyond.

Treat this website as something you can turn to at any time at all, for good advice. Keep up to speed and check out the website for helpful new ideas.

Ultimately this IS all about YOU. With our website, a copy of the book, How to do School! in your bag and maybe a MatriX workshop in school, you can be a more confident, savvy and stress-free student.

AND ONE MORE THING … Do it NOW! (Whatever it is!).

Good fortune.

Malcolm Rowe

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